Isolator Technology
Charging Isolators
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Dec provides unique solutions to charge process equipment such as reactors, mixing vessels or dryers in a fully safe manner eliminating the need to connect the isolator directly to the equipment to be charged or to install the isolator on an upper floor. A single isolator system can be used for multiple vessels charging.
The powder which is dispensed and discharged in the isolator will be directly transferred inside the vessel by using the PTS Powder Transfer System® guaranteeing an inert and safe atmosphere inside the process and no gas exchange with the reactor eliminating the need to inert the isolator. The same concept can also be used for vessel charging under sterile conditions.
The design of a charging isolator will depend on the type of packaging and the quantities of powders to be charged. Systems include standard dispensing isolators, DCS® Drum Containment Systems for discharging multiple drums, Isotube for discharging drums with lumpy materials o Isocharge for the fast discharge of multiple packagings.