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Isolator Technology

Micronizing / Milling

High Containment & Aseptic Solutions

Over many years, Dec has acquired recognized expertise in designing and supplying an extensive range of isolators enclosing a mill or a MC DecJet® spiral jet mill for either individual or combined operation.

The patented 4th generation MC DecJet® micronizing isolators provide full containment of highly active and/or sterile compounds thus offering both operator and product protection. The MC DecJet® micronizing and containment range (from MC DecJet® 30 to MC DecJet® 500) is the perfect union of years of experience as user and provider of micronizing and containment technologies.


The attained experience has enabled us to fully understand critical process safety aspects and the mutual influence the environmental control and the micronizing process have on each other.

Isolators can be designed either as flexible, semi-rigid or as rigid wall systems,  fully modular allowing for the

integration of a Co-mill or Dec's new patented UMS DecMill® for pre-milling the materials or interchangeability between various MC DecJet® sizes and other mills.

Integrated Solutions (PDF)

Overview Isolators

Partice Size Reduction

Micronization - Milling - Sieving


Aseptic Manufacturing

Aseptic manufacturing and handling solutions

Integrated Applications

Case examples of integrated manufacturing solutions for various industries

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